Ray of Hope

Help bring light and hope to the future of our precious patches of bushland.

Along with water, the sun is the ultimate provider of life on Earth.

And without a healthy understorey, nothing can thrive in the environment.

There are special places across our state where significant areas of remnant grasslands and grassy woodlands still exist and which contain some of the best examples of understorey.

It’s where you can discover fascinating flora such as the nationally endangered Osborn’s Eyebright, Silver Daisy-bush, Resin Wattle and White Beauty Spider-orchid.

But the invasion of weeds is a constant threat to their survival.

There are hundreds of precious places across our state that need tender, loving care to thrive and survive.

We’ve already lost countless species and will continue to do so UNLESS we act Now.

It’s a matter of life and death for our native plants and animals.

Right now, you can shine a Ray of Hope by donating to our appeal.


Donate now

There is hope in action

The sooner we act the greater the chance of bouncing back.

By removing the strangling hold of weeds, the sun’s life-giving rays can shine through.

Your donation can help fund

  • The growth of native plants to support pollinators and small birds
  • Bushcare and invasive weed management
  • Training and equipment for volunteers
  • Transport for local bushcare volunteers


Every $35 can grow 10 native pollinator-supporting plants.

Your donation will shine a ray of hope for future generations by removing threats and allowing the understorey to thrive


Red-capped Robin image by Peter Watton.